Hi everybody, I hope you're doing well. Last year we have one of the largest community events on Halo: Reach, and with the resurgence of its community on MCC we thought it was a good opportunity to do another one! This time we're aiming for more organization and in turn a larger variety of games.
One of the ways we're trying to heighten the organization is by allowing you to choose what games we play! By following the link below you'll be brought to a Google Form where you can choose a selection of different games we have ready to play.
If you have any questions / comments / concerns please feel free to comment below or reach out to me @Robot Bubble directly!
When is the event?
Saturday, February 8, 2020 @ 6:00pm EST
What platform is the event on?
Halo: Reach on the Xbox 360. The game is backwards compatible so you can play it on your Xbox One variant. Please note that this event will NOT be taking place on Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
I have a friend who isn't in SBR, can they come too?
Absolutely, everyone is welcome and the more the merrier. We're running everything on a first-come first-serve basis. Lobbies can hold up to 16 players and they fill up quick!
The event starts at 6:00pm EST, can I show up late?
Of course. It's likely we'll be running several hours and the player count will rise and fall. We'll be adjusting the games we play based on the number of players we have and what everyone in attendance wants to play.